The podcast focusing on the connection between human rights and environmental issues.
55 episodes
S5 E2: 'Nature is our leveller' with Ian Solomon-Kawall (May Project Gardens)
In our next episode of the Food for thought series we are with artist, teacher and co-founder of May Poject Gardens, Ian Solomon-Kawall.In this episode, 'Nature is our leveller', Ian explores both how nature can put us on a level playin...
Season 5
Episode 2

S5 E1: Thinking of food
Thinking of foodIn this first introductory episode of 'Food for thought,' EarthRights' hosts, Mel and Pippa, welcome listeners to revive their connection to the land and nourish change. The episode unfolds during the harve...
Season 5
Episode 1

S5 Intro: Food for thought
In the realm of "Food for Thought," hosted by Mel and Pippa of EarthRights, the series explores environmental justice, human rights, and sustainability through food. Mel's transformative experience in the Brecon Beacons in the fors...
Season 5
Episode 0

S4 E22: [Un-edited] Coming back down to EarthRights - the healing power of nature
"Coming back down to EarthRights: The Healing Power of Nature"In the final episode of our Cycle for Life series, join me (Mel) for a walk in the woods where I bring our journey full circle, exploring the profound impact of nature ...
Season 4
Episode 22

S4 E21: [Un-edited] Dragonflies and Fireflies - the Dykes of River Donau
Season 4
Episode 21

S4 E19: [Un-edited] Reflections in the Black Sea (Kızılırmak River - Sinop - Amasra)
Season 4
Episode 19

S4 E17: [Un-edited] Magic amidst the fairy chimneys (Tuz Gölü - Ihlara Valley)
Season 4
Episode 17

S4 E14: [Un-edited] Sasha's story: fleeing Russia to escape conscription
Season 4
Episode 14

S4 E12: [Un-edited] Fruit & Notes on the Turkish Coast #2 (Pergamon - Ephesus)
Season 4
Episode 12

S4 E11: [Un-edited] Fruit And Notes On The Turkish Coast (Assos - Pergamon)
Season 4
Episode 11

S4 E10: [Un-edited] Cycling East - Arriving In Turkey (Ipsala - Çannakale)
Season 4
Episode 10

S4 E4: [Un-edited] Bura
In this episode of the Cycle for Life series, Mel and Arthur reflect on the inability to avoid winter in Europe. They cycled through huge storms, including the 'Bura', which is a North-Westerly wind coming off the Velabit mountain range of Coat...
Season 4
Episode 5

S4 E3: [Un-edited] 5 Days 5 Borders
5 days 5 borders - a conversation about the first 5 days of Mel and Arthur's cycle for life, through France, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Slovenia and into Croaita. A sunny and mountainous start, foggy and flat middle, and a final 50k along a b...
Season 4
Episode 3

S4 E2: [Un-edited] Mekey's Farm a.k.a. Bounceland
Episode 2 reflects on Mel and Arthur's time in Sardinia with Highlining Bounceland crew. Beautiful memories were created.The community in the hills of Mekey's Farm next to Samugheo was established a few years ago by some highliners. It ...
Season 4
Episode 2

S4 E1: [Un-edited] It's Just The Beginning
It's just the beginning is the first episode of a new EarthRights series: Cycle for Life. In this episode Mel and Arthur share their stories of the first two weeks of their trip so far. Join for lots of laughter over the silly, ...
Season 4
Episode 1